Day In The Life Of Outdoors Ireland (Glengarriff Division)
630am get up after a night off, and evening out with sisters 🙂
catch up on office work and bookings; then coffee break with terminator.
afternoon kayay skills training session for a private client.
beautiful sunset kayak trip.
bioluminescence night trip – with incredible conditions!
1am back to base to wash and sort gear
2am slowly drive the work car over to a garage in killarney; with no clutch and a dead battery. work car is urgently needed now by Killarney kayaking as soon as she’s back on the road.
4am two hours sleep in the car boot 🙂
630am taxi back to glengarriff with my favourite killarney taxi driver, monika.
8am re-pack kayaking gear for the day into jeep.
9am healthy breakfast roll and coffee.
10am back on the water in blazing sunshine for another day’s kayaking 🙂
Disclaimer: this was a busier day than normal 😅